The 2nd International Conference on Educational Knowledge and Informatization (EKI 2024)




Prof. Yonghui Li (ARC Future Fellow, Fellow IEEE)

The University of Sydney, Sydney

Yonghui Li (Fellow, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree from the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in November 2002. Since 2003, he has been with the Centre of Excellence in Telecommunications, The University of Sydney, Australia, where he is currently a Professor and the Director of the Wireless Engineering Laboratory, School of Electrical and Information Engineering. His current research interests include wireless communications, with a particular focus on MIMO, millimeter wave communications, machine-to-machine communications, coding techniques, and cooperative communications. He holds a number of patents granted and pending in these fields. He was a recipient of the Australian Queen Elizabeth II Fellowship in 2008 and the Australian Future Fellowship in 2012. He received the Best Paper Awards from IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2014, IEEE PIRMC 2017, and IEEE Wireless Days Conferences (WD) 2014. He is an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Communications and IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. He served as the Guest Editor for several IEEE journals, such as IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, and IEEE Access.

Prof. Rhona Sharpe

University of Oxford, UK

Professor Rhona Sharpe is the Director of the Centre for Teaching and Learning at the University of Oxford, UK, where she has brought together educational development and digital education services to provide a focus for academic development in teaching and learning. The Centre provides professional development and consultancy services around areas of strategic importance, currently assessment, digital education and academic skills development. Rhona has a strong track record in online teaching, with over 15 years’ experience teaching with the UK Open University underpinned by an academic approach and a body of research and development projects. She has written, contributed to and co-edited publications and journal articles in the field of digital education and educational leadership.



Prof. Maria Beatrice Ligorio

University of Bari, Italy

Professor M. Beatrice Ligoria teaches Educational Psychology and a specialized course on E-learning. She a co-founder of the Collaborative Knowledge Building Group ( and is the main editor of the journal Qwerty. She is currently member of the Executive Committee of the Italian Association of Psychology (AIP) for the section of Developmental and Educational Psychology. She has been a member of EARLI and the ISCAR Executive Committee. She has been nominated by the Minister of Education, Instruction and University as a member for the National Scientific Qualification. Her research interests lie in the areas of educational technology, innovation in education, communities, identity, learning organization, intersubjectivity, blended and mobile learning, dialogical approach, virtual environments, sustainable learning, knowledge building, social networks and web-forum in education.

Prof. Juan Carlos Olabe

Christian Brothers University, USA

Dr. Olabe and his research group are active participants in the field of learning and teaching technologies applied to online education, including the following areas: a) the design of multimedia content for primary, secondary and college level courses; b) the development of pedagogical methodologies for new digital learning environments; c) the creation and use of technological-based tools applied to teaching and learning; d) the implementation of resources for active pedagogical methodologies; and e) the delivery of Master’s, Bachelor’s courses and degrees using learning platforms. During the last two decades, Dr. Olabe and his research group have received the support of the European Union and the National Council for Science and Technology of Latin-American through the funding of a large number of research and development projects. Dr. Olabe has published several books and multiple articles in international journals, and has collaborated with international journals and committees. He has established working relationships with members of the MIT Lifelong Kindergarten group and with members of the One Laptop per Child project (OLCP) in the US and in multiple countries of Latin America. He has established relationships with governmental educational groups of the Ministries of Education of Peru, the Dominican Republic, and Colombia, as well as the educational networks RENATA of Colombia and CONACyT of Paraguay, and research groups at the University of Alicante, University of Extremadura, University of Salamanca, Luisíada University of Portugal, University of Silesia and LaSalle Bajío University (Mexico).



Prof. Jon-Chao Hong

National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan

Prof. Jon-Chao Hong is currently working as a research professor at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU). As the director of Digital Game-based Learning Laboratory (GBL), he has developed more than 20 Apps for learning domain knowledge as well as thinking skill, such as “Collaborative game for developing imagination and creativity in composition, Computational thinking board game. Additionally, his team has also developed VR in skill development, such as fire escaping, sense of danger. Currently, he also applied AI for language learning.
He also organizes several creative contests to develop participants’ hands-on skill and STEAM knowledge, such as PowerTech Contest to invite elementary, junior and senior high school students to produce miniatures models in the morning and using these to compete in the afternoon to ensure students’ hands-on creation without parents or teachers’ assistance. As the International Chairman of International Exhibition for Young Inventors (IEYI), he also promotes the innovation contest to cultivated students’ inquiry and thinking attitude and ability of STEAM.
In addition, he has published a number of academic articles in international journals. In recent three years, he has more than 60 articles published on SSCI journals. He has received the Outstanding Research Prize from Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan. In 2022 and 2023, he was also ranked as the top 2% scientists rated by Sandford University.